klopt dit?

Tino Meinen vertaling@nl.linux.org
Thu, 16 Sep 2004 05:06:33 +0200

Net gelezen op /.
Klopt dit verhaal eigenlijk? (ik zag er geen reacties op)

Re:One of the reasons i love firefox (Score:4, Informative) 
by pe1chl (90186) on Wednesday September 15, @03:08PM (#10258931) 
Actually there is a nasty problem in Mozilla and Firefox: the language
files must be of the same version as the program. And the version number
of the program is updated even for security fixes.

Result: when you or your users do not use the default English-US
language, you cannot update to fixed versions as they are announced, but
are forced to wait until the translation volunteer finds time to update
the language package.

The Dutch language for 1.7.2 was released on September 10th, 5 weeks
after that security fix had been released. And just a week later,
another fix appears.
This way, users of the Dutch language will never be able to run recently
fixed versions.

Hopefully something will be done about this. It should be possible to
run a security-fixed release with the original language pack, or at
least the language packs should be automatically updated and released
whenever a security related fix appears.

Open Source Software vertaalproject, vertaling@nl.linux.org
                web: http://vertaling.nl.linux.org/
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